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Showing 21 - 30 of 36 results for "Stuart Fechner"

Navigator expands menu

... International Property Securities Index Fund (Hedged). The funds have been available to investors since last week. Stuart Fechner, Navigator's research manager, said, "There is no single investment theme across the funds that have been added. The funds ...

Vanguard gains all stars: Navigator

... provides to the Australian LPT sector for those wishing to adopt a passive approach to the asset class," noted Stuart Fechner, Navigator's head of research. He added that the fund's low turnover also helped to improve its tax effectiveness. The report ...

Global navigator finds six more

... Intrinsic Value International Share Fund, and Merrill Lynch's Global Allocation Fund. Navigator research manager, Stuart Fechner, said the funds have been added because of demand from financial advisers. "It is important we provide differentiation in ...

Navigator expands investment menus

... stabiliser in investment portfolios, especially during choppy or uncertain markets." Navigator's Research Manager Stuart Fechner says that far from discounting equities in preference of more conservative investments, as the population ages there will ...

Navigator allows investors Access to premier fund managers

... styles, comparisons against competitors, and the amount of support for each manager. Navigator head of research Stuart Fechner says, "A robust investment list is provided so appropriate portfolios may be constructed to meet varying investor needs and ...

Navigator seizes opportunity with new Challenger fund

... opportunity to include the Microcap Fund as part of its available investment options. Navigator research manager Stuart Fechner says, "Funds of this nature tend to have high demand, but a limited capacity. It expected that Challenger will close the fund ...

Navigator beefs up menu while dropping one fund

... Retirement Plan while removing the Dresdner RCM International Equities fund from the list. Navigator's research manager Stuart Fechner says the decision to drop the Dresdner fund was due to investment team changes, which could have contributed to its ...

Australian equities remain investors' favourite

... cent, meaning the asset class now constitutes over one third of the entire investment funds received by Navigator. Stuart Fechner Navigator research manager says the appeal of the asset class may have been due to it being the strongest performer in 2003. ...

Investing pre-tax or post tax? That is the question: Navigator

According to Navigator research manager Stuart Fechner some investment decisions can be attractive on an after-tax basis but unattractive on a pre-tax basis causing dilemma as fund managers are measured against each other by asset consultants and research ...

Navigator offers more choice

... has risen with the inclusion of two Australian Ethical Funds and one Hunter Hall Fund. Navigator research manager Stuart Fechner said "Navigator is committed to offering a broad selection of investment types for all investors, regardless of their particular ...