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The latest issue of Financial Standard now available as an e-newspaper

Advertise with Financial Standard

Financial Standard is a unique publication in the financial services sector with an audience reach covering the institutional and wholesale (intermediated) markets. It is mandatory reading for professionals in the industry who want to keep their finger on the pulse, including:

  • Financial advisers
  • Fund managers
  • Superannuation executives
  • Self-managed super fund investors
  • Family Offices
  • Custodians and other third party service providers

Financial Standard a multi-dimensional approach to advertising which includes print, apps, mobile, digital and video.

Financial Standard goes beyond the headlines to address the real issues for today's financial services professional.

  • Acknowledged by wealth management marketers as the most effective offering in the sector.
  • Printed newspaper delivered fortnightly to over 13,000 readers
  • Year-on-year provides the highest reach subscribers and opening rates (More than 25,000 online subscribers as at January 2023).
  • Has consistently lead the way in innovative use of the sites having pioneered sponsored content, promotional pointers, dedicated microsites and video.

Financial Standard regularly hosts roundtables, breakfast events, industry awards, investment roadshows and professional development programs for institutional investors and financial advisers.

For all advertising and sponsorship enquiries or to request our latest media kit, contact +61 2 8234 7500 or [email protected]