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Showing 81 - 90 of 90 results for "Gen X"

HOSTPLUS tailors fin lit to Gen X and Gen Y

Industry super fund HOSTPLUS is forging a new path to reach its Gen X and Gen Y super fund members, launching a financial literacy program specifically for 20 to 30-somethings. This month, the fund partnered with Scott Pape, author of the bestseller ...

Time to look at Gen Xers

... and general investment advice on their website, from how to pay credit card debt to what a home loan is, as a way to win Gen X clients. "We don't care if you are a super fund...what we care about is if you are a financial security expert," said Pape. ...

You are how you spend, not your age

... for how consumers spend on financial services, according to a leading demographics expert who argued that labels such as Gen X, Gen Y and Baby Boomers were outmoded and ineffective. Ex-KPMG consumer behaviourist, Ross Honeywill, and co-author Verity ...

Max Super to go max Direct with investment funds

... max Super last October. To capture market share, Barlow said they will promote the max brand by talking the language that Gen X and Gen Yers can understand. Using max Super as an example, he said, "If you look at super funds today, they tend to be marketed ...

Gen Xers jump online for home loans: Forrester

Internet savvy Gen Xers aren't just using the web to download music, chat to friends and trade on Ebay. A new survey has found a growing number of them use it for more serious reasons such as applying for home loans too. Research group Forrester has ...

Govt recommends 3 per cent super top-up for under 40s

... maxsuper, agreed that the move is a "positive step" but said he was disappointed that the report dismissed his proposal to allow Gen X and Gen Y to access part of their voluntary contribution for a home deposit. "If we start with the guaranteed 9 per ...

Gen X and Y oblivious to super choice: Max Super

Generation X and Y consumers don't understand superannuation and are reluctant to exercise choice, mainly through ignorance, according to a Max Super survey that it says will add weight to proposed super changes to be submitted to government next week. ...

Flexibility but at a great price - the Virgin Mortgages way

Virgin Mortgages is targeting Gen X and Y consumers who want a good value deal with well priced but useful features rather than just the cheapest product. Interim CEO David Baxby said that the loan's appeal is all "in the detail" as Virgin is not competing ...

Super is not all about Eve

... in 12 women. By 2019, men on average will have saved double the superannuation than their female counterparts. "Women of Gen X and Y need to take control of their super now, as in 2042 life expectancy for women is expected to be 87.5 years of age& so ...

DirectPortfolio to launch SMA Lite

Separately managed account (SMA) specialist DirectPortfolio Services plans to tap into the Gen X and Gen Y market with a slimmed down version of their product to be called 'SMA Lite'. An SMA is like a managed fund except an SMA structure allows clients ...