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Showing 131 - 135 of 135 results for "Commonwealth Super"

PSS/CSS calls for withdrawal of Gunns resolution

The Public Sector and Commonwealth Super (PSS/CSS) funds has called for the withdrawal or a delay in the resolution to alter Gunns Limited's articles of association to prevent development, clearfelling or selective logging of defined old-growth forest ...

PSS/CSS and Catholic Super call on companies to improve energy governance

Two leading Australian superannuation funds have called on companies to improve the governance and reporting of energy use, including greenhouse gas emissions. Governance research, commissioned by the combined Public Sector and Commonwealth Superannuation ...

Government unfunded super liabilities total $10 billion

The latest round of state budgets for 2003/04 have revealed state and territory unfunded superannuation liabilities grew by more than $3billion over the past 12 months, increasing the total of unfunded liabilities for Australia's public servants to ...

Increase in Government unfunded super liabilities may cause super vacuum

... billion increase in addition to the existing $6.2 billion shortfall shown in the Federal Budget for two major commonwealth super plans, has increased unfunded liabilities by almost $10 billion. However according to Rainmaker head of research Alex Dunnin ...

Super funds call for improved WH&S disclosure management

The Public Sector Superannuation and Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (PSS/CSS) and Catholic Superannuation Fund (CSF) have called on companies to significantly improve public reporting of workplace health and safety (WH&S) risk management. Research ...