Search Results | Showing 21 - 30 of 58 results for "Retirement village" |
| | ... when it comes to managing their wealth portfolios, in particular, Affinity's specialisation in aged care and retirement village financial advice which is unique to the Brisbane market. Affinity founder and senior partner Keith Jones said having left ... |
| | | The new Blue Sky managing director believes there is "no reason why we won't grow to least $5 billion in fee-earning assets under management in the next three years." In what could be described as Robert Shand's "mission statement," he told an ASX update ... |
| | | Retirees are increasingly choosing to access their superannuation through income streams rather than withdrawing lump sums, according to new analysis released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Bjorn Jarvis, the program manager of the ABS' ... |
| | | ... The Linton Estate in Ballan, Victoria, was founded by Peter Dickson, who has long had a vision for building a retirement village for the LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersexual) community. Fractional property investment specialist ... |
| | | Australia's older home owners could achieve a modest retirement living standard by drawing on their home equity according to a Productivity Commission report released today. The report, Housing Decisions of Older Australians, suggests most older Australians' ... |
| | | Australian Unity has announced it has completed its capital raising for a new retirement village development fund. The first development of the new fund will be a $65 million nine-level retirement complex in Melbourne. The building will comprise 91 ... |
| | | ... Super Fund chief investment officer Matt Whineray said: "We are pleased to be increasing our exposure to the retirement village sector in Australia. The sector's attractive demographics and future growth opportunities make it a good fit for long-term ... |
| | | ... has led the New Zealand sharemarket's benchmark index lower, as the prospect of new rivals weighed on listed retirement village operators. Stocks with regulatory pressure also fell amid political uncertainty ahead of Saturday's general election. The ... |
| | | ... analyst at Daiwa Securities. wellington WELLINGTON - New Zealand shares have gained, led by Metlifecare after the retirement village operator and developer upgraded its profit forecast. The benchmark NZX 50 Index rose 22.534 points, or 0.4 per cent ... |
| | | New Zealand Superannuation Fund looks likely to take on 17% of New Zealand retirement village provider Metlifecare, in a move that will see NZ Super raise its stake in the company to 19.9%. This comes after reports that ANZ Super and New Zealand utilities ... |