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Showing 161 - 170 of 175 results for "Choice of Fund"

Superannuation, a key nation-building goal: Coonan at ASFA Conference

The enhancement of superannuation and retirement savings in Australia is a key nation-building process and a major priority of the Government policy-making process, according to the Federal Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer Helen Coonan. ...

ALP launches new superannuation plan, emphasising simplicity

... investment choice will become a basic service obligation to be offered by all funds. Labor also said that a safe choice of fund model which allows an individual to select a fund they wish to join should be made available. They said that in a compulsory ...

Super funds offering more additional services: new report

... Super says super funds now have to go to considerable lengths to retain members, even before the introduction of choice of fund, and are becoming sharper and more sophisticated in doing so. "To really stand out, funds will now have to offer some very ...

PSS to convert to accumulation scheme

... commitment to shut down the fund. The opposition also said the new arrangements failed to include provisions for choice of fund, an acknowledgement the government's proposed changes were unsafe.

Labour lashes out against government's 'phoney portability' of super

Labour's Senator Nick Sherry, the shadow minister for retirement incomes and savings, says the so-called portability mark II regulations gazetted last week by the Assistant Treasurer Helen Coonan are 'weak and wimpy'. "The size of the problem is well-known ...

Government scores superannuation hat trick: Coonan

... workers to benefit from consolidating their superannuation." Senator Coonan explained that while Portability and Choice of Fund do share some common goals, they remain independent policies. Choice of Fund is about allowing employees to direct where their ...

Democrats round on government portability regulations

Although striking a deal to introduce limited co-contributions and reduce the superannuation surcharge, and thus emerging as a key player in the retirement savings policy debate, the Australian Democrats have again attacked the government's superannuation ...

Senate Super Committee calls for rewrite of government portability regulations

Senator Nick Sherry, the shadow minister for retirement incomes and savings, has said that the Senate Super Committee has unanimously requested the Government rewrite its so-called portability regulations. "The portability regulations claim to allow ...

BT expands Wrap Essentials

BT Financial Group (BT) has announced it is adding a further 12 funds to its Wrap Essentials menu. The new funds have been drawn from BT's existing Wrap platform, and will bring to 35 the total number of funds available to investors. Some 28 are managed ...

ASIC releases fee disclosure model to mixed support from industry groups

... still needed in this area," she said. "Until we are confident that consumers can compare superannuation funds, choice of fund or portability cannot be effective, and ordinary Australians will be the losers. The ASIC model represents real progress on ...