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Showing 141 - 150 of 158 results for %22Nick Sherry%22

Senator Coonan claims Labor's Senator Sherry has 'hole in his logic'

... fired her own broadside in the continuing saga of verbal battles between her office and that of opposition Senator Nick Sherry, in replying to recent criticism by Senator Sherry, by claiming that there is a "hole in his logic". "Senator Nick Sherry's ...

Senate Super Committee calls for rewrite of government portability regulations

Senator Nick Sherry, the shadow minister for retirement incomes and savings, has said that the Senate Super Committee has unanimously requested the Government rewrite its so-called portability regulations. "The portability regulations claim to allow ...

Labor fires another broadside in continuing tirade on Government super policies

... Sunday 7 September has a $250 million funding hole. The shadow minister for retirement incomes and savings, Senator Nick Sherry, in his continuing tirade against the government's super policies has said that a large part of the cost of package was to ...

Mixed response to government, Democrat deal on super

... of the benefits of the package over four years, while just one-third would flow to high-income earners. But Senator Nick Sherry, shadow minister for retirement incomes and savings, said the deal is both unbalanced and unfair. He said workers earning ...

ALP to unveil retirement incomes policy in November

... today announced it would release a substantial portion of its own retirement incomes policy later this year. Senator Nick Sherry, Shadow Minister for Retirement Incomes and Savings, said opposition leader Simon Crean would unveil the policy at the Association ...

Opposition launches biting criticism of Government's super policies

The shadow minister for retirement incomes, savings and consumer affairs - Senator Nick Sherry, has said that the gazetted regulations which allow so-called portability in superannuation are phoney and unsafe. In an announcement made today he said that ...

Senator Sherry highlights the need for action on the back of poor super stats

The Shadow Minister for Retirement Incomes and Savings, Senator Nick Sherry, has said that poor returns, high taxes and corporate collapses are hurting superannuation fund members, citing new figures highlighting a continued decline in member contributions. ...

ALP offers no suitable alternative on super bill: Coonan

... have reduced the surcharge from 15 per cent to 10.5% over three years. Yesterday Labor retirement incomes spokesman Nick Sherry said the bill only benefited those earning greater than $90,500 in surchargeable income, with the greatest benefit going to ...

Government blocks ALP super theft compensation bid

... circumstances is mean-spirited and heartless and is effectively throwing super fund members to the wolves," exclaimed Senator Nick Sherry, Shadow Minister for Retirement Incomes and Savings. "The so-called 'moral hazard' argument that consumers should ...

Departing residents increasingly accessing their superannuation: Senator Coonan

... Australia and the costs of maintaining those accounts. Last week the Shadow Minister for Retirement Incomes and Savings Nick Sherry said that despite the Government forecasting 80 per cent of temporary residents would collect their superannuation, this ...