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Showing 121 - 130 of 136 results for "Brain"

AMG answers demand for US boutiques

Affiliated Managers Group (AMG), an American asset manager that part-owns established boutique funds, has quietly amassed $8 billion in Australian mandates and hopes to make a bigger splash later this year through the launch of new global products. ...

Scientific investing wins big

The number of institutional investors embracing quantitative fund products has jumped in recent years with quant manager Barclays Global Investors (BGI) Australia reporting a five-fold increase in funds under management (FUM) to $50 billion since 2000. ...

Members covered for fraud but not bad investments

... fraudulent conduct or theft that makes it difficult to pay benefits and where a grant is in the public interest," said Tony Brain, director of the fund's acting trustee Deloitte Management. However, this meant that the members could not recoup approximately ...

NSW Govt to launch biodiversity fund

Private land owners and property developers are set to benefit from an innovative NSW Government scheme which allows both parties to address the biodiversity impact of any land development through a centralised offset and credit-based scheme. The brainchild ...

Macq and Citi offer best of more worlds

The brainiacs at Macquarie and Citigroup have been busy creating products that offer investors the best of both worlds, letting investors scoop up all the returns of the best performing investments and none of the losses from the worst. MQ Specialist ...

Go green, go dim

Switch off your electricity and save the world was the message from over 60 major finance companies that signed up to an initiative to cut Sydney's greenhouse gas emissions. It sounds like a scene from a sci-fi movie but on 31 March the Sydney building ...

Pengana's hedge fund arm finds a new home

Malcolm Turnbull's brainchild and 'house of hedge funds' Pengana Hedge Funds has been turned over to a new consortium, including James Packer and former UBS investment bank chairman, Chris Mackay, who will also be launching a new long only global equities ...

IMAP the new managed accounts association

Surging consumer interest in managed accounts has prompted market players to set up an independent industry body called the Institute of Managed Account Providers (IMAP). IMAP is the brainchild of Tracy Byrne, associate director at managed accounts ...

More control over currency: SSgA

Super funds unsure of whether they should hedge or not hedge can get the best of both worlds through State Street Global Advisors' (SSgA) newly launched hedging product. Called the Dynamic Strategic Hedging program, SSgA said it offers a 'middle ground' ...

Amicus builds business on flat planning fee

Amicus Financial Planning has created a template for a flat fee-for-service model that is gaining fans among planners keen to sidestep the current debacle on conflicts of interest surrounding commission-based fees. Amicus is run by financial planner ...