Search Results | Showing 1 - 10 of 162 results for "Defined contribution" |
| | ... corporation founded in 2008, manages $90 billion (£45.3 billion) in assets for 13.7 million members in its defined contribution pension; approximately one in three workers in the UK are expected to be a member of Nest by the end of the decade. Nest ... |
| | | ... investments and technology experts from the UK, Australia, and Japan, who work across defined benefit and defined contribution schemes. They found that the latest tools can enhance the areas of member engagement and financial literacy, governance, investment ... |
| | | ... and traditional accumulation and retirement products. UniSuper is one of the few asset owners that manages defined contribution and defined benefit schemes. The product specialist has over 25 years' experience in financial services, working in investment ... |
| | | In what's considered the most significant reforms to the UK retirement sector in decades, the defined contribution schemes of 86 administering authorities will be consolidated and their assets pooled to create megafunds. The UK government plans to introduce ... |
| | | ... with UniSuper in December 2022. Before that, Block spent two years as investment chief at Nambawan Super - a defined contribution government superannuation fund in Papua New Guinea. The incoming Bellmont investment chief has also consulted for several ... |
| | | Nest, the UK's largest defined contribution workplace pension scheme by members, will work with WTW and Hymans Robertson to develop a retirement offering. It's estimated that in the coming years one in three UK workers will have pension savings with ... |
| | | Significant growth of the superannuation sector has set off alarm bells for the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). In the RBA's September Financial Stability Review, it said the super sector's growth and connections to Australian banks has increased its ... |
| | | UK regulators have proposed rules for a new 'Value for Money' framework for default workplace defined contribution pension schemes, which has been likened to an "evolved version" of the APRA performance test. The joint framework, developed by the Financial ... |
| | | ... changes included in the bill, the UK government said the average worker saving into a workplace scheme on a defined contribution basis would retire with more than $21,000 (£11,000) or 9% more. The plans include introducing a 'value for money' ... |
| | | ... fulfilled financial reporting, audit, and disclosure obligations. FNPF is the country's superannuation fund, a defined contribution scheme, established more than 50 years ago. FNPF is a major investor in the country. Its portfolio includes Amalgamated ... |