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Civitas appoints new business partner

Civitas Services Australia, a financial services provider that helps individuals and firms obtain and manage their Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL), has appointed a new business partner.

The new hire, James McCowan, who's based in Brisbane but will service regions nationally, will work with businesses in managing AFSL requirements as well as creating and executing financial solutions.

McCowan has experience collaborating with AFSL partners to drive efficiency improvements and streamline operations, strongly focusing on compliance, strategic business expansion, and client relationships, Civitas said in a statement.

Civitas managing director Mark Stephen said optimising operational efficiencies is crucial for AFSL businesses, and financial planners often struggle to focus on streamlining because of other priorities.

"This is where we see James' expertise - to guide these businesses to operate optimally and grow," Stephen said.

McCowan noted he's managed his own AFSL for eight years and fully understands the challenges it represents.

"I've known Mark for many years, and together we are committed to helping our practices build and maintain successful businesses," he said.

Read more: AFSLCivitas Services AustraliaAustralian Financial Services LicenceJames McCowanMark Stephen