Search Results | Showing 41 - 50 of 58 results for "MLC Super" |
| | ... prudential oversight and compliance with all governance related activities for the CFS suite of products and services. MLC Super chief executive Matthew Lawrance said: "The appointment of Sam, with his experience and track-record in financial services ... |
| | | ... Australian Unity chair Peter Promnitz has been appointed as a non-executive director, joining the board responsible for the MLC Super Fund and products such as Plum, MasterKey Super, MasterKey and Wrap. He will also sit on the MasterKey and Plum Investment ... |
| | | Centuria Capital has appointed Macquarie's former risk management division director to its board. Evelyn Horton joins the board while also serving as a director at MLC Superannuation Trustees, Motor Accidents Insurance, Mission Australia and the Tasmanian ... |
| | | ... assets dipped 21.7% to $229.5 billion, mainly driven by the transfer of MLC insurance policies into a new super fund (MLC Super Fund) as a result of NAB selling 80% of its life insurance business under the MLC brand to Nippon Life. Consequently, life ... |
| | | ... Life Cover Super and Protectionfirst Super, transferred from The Universal Super Scheme to a new super fund called the MLC Super Fund, the report said. Product group performance contributed $688 million in net profit after tax. This comprises: individual ... |
| | | NAB appointed its new chief executive of MLC Super, who will be responsible for NAB's entire superannuation and investment businesses. The internal promotion sees Matthew Lawrance move in to the top role. NAB chief executive Andrew Thorburn described ... |
| | | The trustee of Australia's largest retail super fund, the MLC Super Fund, will appoint an independent expert to review compliance breaches following an ASIC investigation. ASIC initially made enquiries into breach reports lodged by NAB wealth entities ... |
| | | ... announced in July it would merge five of its super funds into one, creating the largest retail fund in the country. The new MLC Super Fund comprises MLC MasterKey and Plum superannuation offerings, and represents roughly $70 billion in funds under management ... |
| | | ... trustee. Andrew Gale joins the board of NULIS Nominees, which is responsible for NAB's superannuation funds including the MLC Super Fund. Bringing 35 years' experience in financial services, Gale has previously acted as executive director of Chase Corporate ... |
| | | A former chief executive at Russell Investments is now on the board of NULIS Nominees, the trustee for the MLC Super Fund. Recently joining the NULIS board as an independent non-executive director is Alan Schoenheimer. He has more than 25 years' experience ... |