Search Results | Showing 11 - 20 of 23 results for "Active equity fund" |
| | ... equity style and currency significantly impact the performance of global equity funds. When investing in an active equity fund it is important to ensure that the fees represent good value. This requires an understanding of the extent to which performance ... |
| | | ... the market. As part of its Australian-Equities large cap sector review, S&P downgraded the Ausbil Australian active equity fund and Perennial growth shares wholesale trust to four stars, leaving Fidelity alone at the top of the tree. Taylor said that ... |
| | | ... Fund, Schroder Wholesale Australian Equity Fund, Greencape Wholesale High Conviction Fund, Ausbil - Australian Active Equity Fund, BT Wholesale Core Australian Share Fund, BT Wholesale Focus Australian Share Fund, Perpetual Wholesale Australian Fund ... |
| | | A goodwill write-down from a pre-GFC purchase helped drag down wealth manager Perpetual's first-half profits by 29 per cent year-on-year to $35 million for the six months to December. The $10.6 million goodwill write-down comes from their 2008 purchase ... |
| | | ... Emerging Leaders fund both holding 'highly recommended' ratings from Zenith and Lonsec. The Ausbil Australian Active Equity fund returned more than 47 per cent in the year to February. These ratings have contributed to the fund manager's popularity among ... |
| | | ... 12-month Term Deposit, UBS Cash Fund and Adelaide Bank 12-month Term Deposit respectively. Ausbil Australian Active Equity Fund, Colonial First State Wholesale Global Res Fund and Fidelity Australian Equities Fund were ranked second, fourth and sixth ... |
| | | ... once these less fundamentals-based cycles run their natural course." Russell's Market Barometer indicates some active equity fund managers could alter their weighting in Australian equities as the valuations for Australian equities become less compelling. ... |
| | | ... were Perpetual's Wholesale Geared Australian Fund, MLC Investment Trust IncomeBuilder and Ausbil Australian Active Equity Fund respectively. For its part, Aviva also has a series of tax saving features including deducting contributions tax only when ... |
| | | ... managers this year. The top five funds from a pool of 31, all receiving a five star rating, were Ausbil Australian Active Equity Fund, Barclays Australian Share Fund, Challenger Australian Share Fund, Tyndall Australian Share Portfolio and Vanguard Australian ... |
| | | ... position of the taxpayer to offset capital gains against losses," Fechner added. Ausbil Dexia's Australian Active Equity Fund saw the greatest net unit movement with a unit level increase of 605.7 per cent, compared to the survey average of 49 per cent. ... |