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Showing 21 - 23 of 23 results for "Active equity fund"

Ausbil Dexia notches four stars

... 'best-in-class' businesses, as opposed to the more exclusive ethical investment methodologies. As for the Australian Active Equity fund, Schwand remarked: "The Australian equity process is well articulated and appropriately reflected in the portfolio ...

Navigator beefs up menu while dropping one fund

... choice of managed funds offered on the Navigator platform. New funds to the list include Ausbil Australian Active Equity fund, Challenger Orion Australian share fund, Eley Griffiths Group Small Companies fund, Macquarie Master Diversified Fixed Interest ...

Active equity fund managers underperform: Intech

... results of its sector fund performance survey, claiming the results highlighted a disappointing performance from active equity fund managers. Intech senior consultant Andrew Korbel said the result revealed active fund managers had failed to earn the ...