Search Results | Showing 1 - 10 of 10 results for "Robert Frost" |
| | ... diversified portfolio tailored to capture opportunities in this dynamic segment of the market." Head of investments Robert Frost said the fund is a "natural extension" to its investment universe with increased investment interest into the asset class. ... |
| | | OC Funds Management has hired Aaron Yeoh as a senior investment analyst. Reporting to the head of investment Robert Frost, Yeoh will be responsible for research and analysis of Australian small and mid-cap companies. Yeoh will also add to the team's ... |
| | | ... new infections recorded back on the 13th of July. Victoria's Stage 4 lockdown is working. Then again, to quote Robert Frost, we "have miles to go" before we "sleep". |
| | | ... and upon graduating from high school she dove into a commerce degree at the University of Sydney. Taking heed from Robert Frost and his iconic poem 'The Road Not Taken', Falas chose to major in econometrics - the branch of economics specifically ... |
| | | ... approval rating of 53 for US presidents that served from 1938 to 2017. Trump's falling approval ratings, to paraphrase Robert Frost, are "... dark and deep, but he has promises to keep, and miles to go before he sleeps". One especially could add another ... |
| | | ... returned 21.9%, 15%, and 11.5% per annum over one, three and five year periods respectively. OC's head of investments Robert Frost said the rating highlighted the team's proven process and entrenched risk-management focus. "We are pleased the fund has ... |
| | | ... range of compelling and often under-researched companies at the smaller end of the market," OC head of investments Robert Frost. "It can be challenging to generate alpha among larger, more mature companies which are heavily researched and many of our ... |
| | | ... boutique won a $27 million micro-cap investment mandate. OC Funds Management, founded in 2000 by head of investments Robert Frost, will manage a micro-cap portfolio for Contango MicroCap. Contango said OCFM was selected after an "extensive process involving ... |
| | | ... Funds Management has been awarded a $50 million small to mid-cap Australian equities multi-mix mandate from IOOF. Robert Frost, head of investments at OC Funds Management (OC), said the mandate was acknowledgement of the strong performance that has been ... |
| | | ... lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep." -Robert Frost |