Search Results | Showing 111 - 120 of 693 results for "SCOPE" |
| | ... predominantly Woodside and Santos. The divestment is in line with the fund's announced target of a 35% reduction of Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions by 2025 within the Diversified MySuper portfolio. The fund has restrictions on holding companies ... |
| | | ... risks using quantitative or qualitative approaches and set targets, use of more advanced quantitative risk metrics such as scope 3 and financed emissions, and forward-looking exposure to physical and transition risk, was limited," APRA said. "The survey ... |
| | | ... also noted that eligibility for compensation also rests on the individual circumstances of the advice provided, the final scope and operation of the CSLR, and the outcome of Dixon Advisory's ongoing administration process. Many of these same factors ... |
| | | ... describe what these objectives are and how they're defined. Further, determine the definition of activities within the scope of the said objectives. The FSC guidance calls on investment managers to also disclose the fund's formalised responsible ... |
| | | ... negative outcomes. While consultation won't occur until later this year, APRA said proposals will likely include increasing the scope of permitted use. Finally, on expenditure management, APRA will consider the findings of the planned YFYS review and ... |
| | | ... review will allow for consultation of an initial issues paper as well as consultation on any draft laws that aim to alter the scope and operation of the Your Future, Your Super laws." "We can also expect the government to move quickly on its pre-election ... |
| | | ... Justin Greiner said. "This partnership brought to market through nabtrade and iShares plays to our strategy and provides scope to deepen our relationship with BlackRock across our Private Wealth business." BlackRock deputy head of Australasia Jason Collins ... |
| | | ... but grow our capability across the board." He said managing a large percentage of money in-house gives UniSuper a lot of scope to develop people; "We have a lot of sideways movement." The appointments bring the investment leadership team to seven. This ... |
| | | ... to align with the Your Future, Your Super performance requirements, IFM said. The pooled fund targets a 50% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 relative to 2019 benchmark levels, and Scope 3 emissions through reduced exposure to carbon intensive ... |
| | | ... submission reads. The association said this involves pulling some "key levers", including better enabling the defining of the scope of advice, and specifically enabling limited scope advice. "Uncertainty about the ability to provide limited scope advice ... |