Search Results | Showing 1 - 10 of 1119 results for "Retirees" |
| | ... secure - and continues to deliver a financially secure retirement for millions of everyday Australians, including today's retirees. "An agreed objective of super supports more stable, effective and equitable policy settings and reinforces the strong ... |
| | | ... carry that concern over men (57%). The findings come as Australians' confidence in the Age Pension plummets, as more retirees plan to explore employment opportunities to support their retirement. |
| | | Some 82% of retirees and pre-retirees believe the Age Pension is insufficient, new study shows. A new survey from Allianz Retire+, How do we make retirements more epic?, found that 82% of retirees and pre-retirees believe the Age Pension is insufficient ... |
| | | ... superannuation balance of $690,000, while singles would require $595,000. ASFA defines a comfortable retirement as one that allows retirees to maintain a good standard of living in their post work years. This includes covering daily essentials like groceries ... |
| | | ... across all household types. Housing also contributed to higher living costs for all household types except self-funded retirees. Higher premiums for motor vehicle, house and home contents insurance, and higher fruit and vegetable prices reflecting unfavourable ... |
| | | ... Development of Australia (CEDA), Schubert said the purpose of super was to deliver dignity in retirement, lifting incomes for retirees, reducing fiscal pressure on the pension, and powering Australian businesses. But the success of super is built on ... |
| | | ... and females. Female advisers are 25% more likely to adopt a life stage mindset when advising clients, focusing on pre-retirees and retirees. Some 30% of males on the other hand are focused on clients' wealth bracket. |
| | | ... closely on matters of retirement and the transfer of wealth. "We have a significant opportunity in Australia to help more retirees build their financial confidence, empowering them to fully enjoy their post-working years. This can be achieved through ... |
| | | ... access equity in their homes, combined with changes to stamp duty and the Age Pension, could give asset-rich, income-poor retirees a valuable income boost and help free up more housing for young families, according to a paper published by the Actuaries ... |
| | | ... would grow to £15,100 ($29,210) in 10 years. Schemes would also be required to offer retirement products to deliver retirees with an income, not just savings when they stop working. They would be mandated to offer one or multiple solutions, including ... |