Search Results | Showing 1 - 10 of 38 results for "Home Care" |
| | ... to help elderly people stay at home longer, rather than enter residential care. This will come in the form of a new home care assistance program called Support at Home, which the government plans to launch in mid-2025, providing $4.3 billion. Support ... |
| | | ... million to put the NDIS back on track. The government has said it will invest $531.4 million to offer an additional 24,100 Home Care Packages next financial year. It is also providing $87.2 million to attract nurses and other workers into aged care ... |
| | | ... he said. Last year, Australian Unity acquired IOOF's investment bonds business for $40 million. It recently acquired home care and home support services provider myHomecare Group (MHC) for $285 million. |
| | | ... predicted to reach $42 billion by 2026-27. Presently, the government funds about 75% of residential aged care and 95% of home care, which the taskforce describes as "not an optimal or fair mix." One of the reasons for this, the taskforce said, is that ... |
| | | ... meet the costs of running the State in the future and will make a contribution to the cost of healthcare, pensions, home care and much more." As an example, McGrath explained it is expected Ireland's age-related spending will be about €7-8 billion ... |
| | | KPMG has proposed superannuation reforms targeted at home carers and recipients of paid parental leave to help close the gender gap. The KPMG Towards Gender Equity in Retirement report recommended the government consider adding superannuation contributions ... |
| | | ... Commission into Aged Care. Last year's Budget included a five-year $17.7 billion plan for the aged care sector, including new home care packages, respite services, training places, retention bonuses and infrastructure upgrades. This plan will be continued ... |
| | | ... the form of a $17.7 billion injection into the aged care system. Frydenberg announced the funding of a further 80,000 home care packages to the existing 195,000. Residents will also have their aged care bills further subsidised, with the government to ... |
| | | ... superannuation system. This is despite 17% of people aged older than 65 years of age using residential or transitional home care. This ratio extends to 60% if Commonwealth supported aged care services are included. According to APRA data, just 10% of ... |
| | | ... care. Care & Living with Mercer aims to be a one-stop shop, providing information on aged care and living options across home care, retirement living and residential aged care. The initiative, which is backed by several of Mercer's partners such as Commonwealth ... |