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Showing 11 - 16 of 16 results for "Andrew Ko"

Super growth funds shine in August; Intech

Growth-oriented superannuation funds generated positive returns in August with the only negative factor being the rising Australian dollar which deducted around 0.5% from unhedged international assets, Intech said on Tuesday. The best-performing major ...

Active equity fund managers underperform: Intech

Intech has released the results of its sector fund performance survey, claiming the results highlighted a disappointing performance from active equity fund managers. Intech senior consultant Andrew Korbel said the result revealed active fund managers ...

InTech says double-digit returns within reach

Asset consultancy group Intech Financial Services reported growth-oriented superannuation funds recorded positive returns in April against a background or negative returns across all major asset sectors. According to InTech, the median growth fund returned ...

Australian equity fund managers add value in 2003: survey

The 9.5% return on Australian equities in the first four months of the financial year was the strongest of any comparable period since 1993, while the median Australian equities fund manager has added even further value for investors, according to data ...

Growth funds record highest returns since October 2001: InTech

The median growth fund returned 2.9 per cent for April, the largest monthly gain since October 2001, InTech said today. The median growth fund return for the 2001/02 financial year was -4.1%. The median fund returned 1.6% in March and InTech believes ...

Super growth funds at the height of volatility:InTech

Growth oriented superannuation funds are in the midst of one of their most volatile periods with median growth fund returns of 1.6 per cent for March 2003 making it the seventh successive month of (either positive or negative) returns of 1% or greater ...