Editor's Choice
Mercer appoints chief investment officer from TelstraSuper
Mercer has appointed TelstraSuper's long-serving chief investment officer Graeme Miller to a newly created role in its super fund.
FAAA 'frustrated' as Dixon inquiry delayed
The FAAA has hit out at the Senate for delaying the inquiry into Dixon advisory, as it also makes its pre-Budget submissions.
Cbus divests renewable asset
Cbus and CVC's infrastructure strategy have sold their stake in a portfolio of Australian renewable energy projects.
One more vote needed for $3m super tax
Despite being dropped from the Senate program today, the Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions Bill could soon be a reality, with the government needing to secure just one more supporter.
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Raelene Seales
Prime Super's Raelene Seales' immersions in cultures of innovation and creativity have equipped her to breathe new life into the fund, to the benefit of its broad church of members. Andrew McKean writes.
I'd like to clarify one thing in your story. It's not that existing MDI options don't work - it's that they involve lots of moving parts, plenty of trustee involvement & lots of complexity all round. It's coming to terms with all of this that seems to have slowed down the momentum for MDI implementation.
In my talk, I identified a range of areas where MDI could be - & will be - extended but this is going to take some time, & will be accompanied by the growth of associated advice services.
Does this explain why Australia's largest super fund has increased its Member Direct annual fee by a massive 119% effective from June 1st, 2015? Is this an exit strategy or just a means of having members fund ballooning costs of running MDI options. Such fees render the MDI option borderline.