Jones preps DBFO Tranche 2 for parliamentBY KARREN VERGARA | WEDNESDAY, 30 OCT 2024 12:17PMAssistant treasurer Stephen Jones said the government will press on with Tranche 2 of the Delivering Better Financial Outcomes (DBFO) reforms that he is preparing to introduce in parliament. Related News |
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Macquarie AM expands $300m active ETF platform
|Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) has launched two actively managed fixed income ETFs, bringing its total offerings to seven - four in fixed income and three in equity - with over $300 million assets under management.
AustralianSuper warns outdated tax laws will hurt returns
|AustralianSuper has called for a modernised tax system, warning that without reform super funds will at the very least be bogged down by complexity and compliance costs - and likely left at a competitive disadvantage that could drag on returns.
RBA delivers 'cautious' cut, road ahead unclear
|The Reserve Bank of Australia has delivered its first interest rate cut since November 2020, but where it goes from here is anyone's guess.
ASIC proposes further breach reporting relief
|ASIC is proposing additional relief for financial services businesses, which would scrap the need to report minor or technical breaches that don't result in a financial loss.
Featured Profile

Jelena Stevanovic
As the new chief executive of Platypus Asset Management, Jelena Stevanovic hopes to continue the fund manager's long tradition of outperformance with patience and by fostering meaningful relationships with clients and staff. Karren Vergara writes.
So the wheel turns full circle and we return to an industry where Product Providers will employ "sales staff" of limited if any qualifications compared to licenced advisers and to confuse and confound consumers will call them Qualified Advisers. Will these providers of advice recommend anything other than their employers products, irrespective of suitability and affordability? So the whole Royal Commission was a waste of time and millions in money, given the only outcome has been the government destruction of the professional adviser industry. Perhaps because their qualifications are limited these politicians prefer "insto" advisers and and lie by calling them "Qualified". If we must return to the good old days of "conflicted interest" can we not at least tell the truth and call them Sales Consultants?