Editor's Choice
Moonfare launches in Australia
Global private equity platform Moonfare, with $5.5 billion (€3.3bn) in assets under management, has established footprints in Australia to target wholesale investors.
Insignia exec appointed local chief of MUFG Retirement Solutions
A former Insignia Financial exec has taken on a leadership role at MUFG Retirement Solutions.
AMP launching 'market first' digital advice solution for super members
AMP is rolling out a new digital advice solution, in partnership with Bravura, providing its super fund members with retirement guidance.
Partners Group staffer quits to join NYC firm
Marcus Clitheroe is the first local hire for the multi-strategy private markets investment firm Siguler Guff.
Featured Profile

Raelene Seales
Prime Super's Raelene Seales' immersions in cultures of innovation and creativity have equipped her to breathe new life into the fund, to the benefit of its broad church of members. Andrew McKean writes.
The continuing lack of common sense & accountability & responsibility never ceases to amaze me. Here is the Lead person for ASIC again as a prime example. If you are an authorised rep under an AFSL - the AFSL already has to ensure that you meet all of your ongoing CPD/Training & have to be fit/proper for purpose - otherwise WHY are the AFSL's licencing them in the 1st place ?
Another beautiful "handball" too about the exam - yes we are responsible for administering it, but we have nothing to do with the format or what is in it - i.e. Not My Problem !!! And Stephen Jones wants to hire an extra 8,000 public servants.
If you are an authorised representative under an AFSL and registered on the Financial Adviser Register - ASIC should simply be able to "copy and paste" the list to FCSP - this should be a "No Brainer"